Sunday, February 9, 2014


...back in the day when I was sort of new to southern Cal ...and still with a very distinctive self-identification as being from the "Christian Reformed Church" (ie crc) I took time to go around and find many of the CRC's..not just in southern Cal but also northern Cal and even a few elsewhere..many of these photos were subsequently done on digital so I don't have them all categorized as such, but the ones shown here (initially when I start this blog) were on paper (ie back when pictures had to be "developed" by kodak, fuji, et al) I"ll begin this blog with those pics and probably will add to them later on a random the way, you notice the title is "pictures of church buildings" ...meant to differentiate that the "church building" is not "the church" per se...whereas the people are "the church" ...WE who believe are the Body of Christ (the church)